Collection: ANNA HOYLE

I love painting silly serious books, junky ads, and silly drawings.I have a long history of collecting words, phrases and objects and gadgets of our consumer culture. In 1991, I completed a suite of etchings and lithographs as part of my Bachelor of Education in Visual Arts that was inspired by car and panty liner advertising and chockas full of related text and lingo. My acest-best first job was as a ticket writer, writing little signs for a chocolate company... and I fell in love with type, layout and the 'look' and rhythm of words. I kept making art and wondering how it all sat with my graphic, illustrative tendency and love of advertising and consumerism...Andy Warhol, Maira Kalmain, was that you I spotted in Smith st. in Melbourne? (no probably not) Why did I walk past you guys....?

I have a First Class Honors degree in Fine Arts from Victorian College of the Arts anda Masters in Fine Art from Monash University where I completed a too large 3 metre square drawing called Power Moai Buns 'n' Thighs (shown at Nellie Castan Gallery in 2008) and a dissertation in lovely yellow binding titled 'Love my Leafblower, Worship my Spartan Sports Power Tower: The Art of Synthetic Ecologies'  Given that my Honours year thesis (1999) at VCA was titled 'Too much Stuff: Where does it come from and What to do with it', I have realised after many years of fluffy business that I love long silly titles and words as much as images. From  1999-2009, I immersed myself in tight ink drawings of chinoiserie and suburban motifs (for which I was lucky enough to get several art prizes), Recently I have worked my darned little sockettes off to bring illustration, design, language, and text to the fore in a 'not ashamed to combine' art  and illustration practice.(1)



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